Christmas Eve Box Tradition

Christmas Eve is right around the corner.  All the activities, between the Advent calendar and the Santa visits, have the level of anticipation for the big day running high.  Getting the kids to sleep Christmas Eve night just might take a small miracle.  One way to help calm the excitement is with a Christmas Eve box.  This is an up and coming new tradition that seems to have made serious headway in the last few years.
There is still time to get on board with this.  Do you need help on where to start or simply need ideas on what to put in the box.  I will share some Christmas Eve box ideas with you all.

Christmas Eve boxes are placed under the tree with a tag that says do not open until Christmas Eve.  The box can be as simple as a cardboard box or as elaborate as an engraved wooden chest, whatever you decide it will be perfect.  For us, I knew I wanted something that was sturdy and that we could reuse each year.  I also didn’t want to pay a small fortune for 3 boxes.  Hobby lobby sold these Christmas latch boxes that were perfect for us.  They even have them in multiple sizes.  I used my Cricut to cut their names in vinyl for the outside.  Not much crafting involved for all you non-Pinteresty moms.
Next, you can fill the box with whatever you want but the goal is to get them all snug in their beds with visions of sugar-plums dancing in their heads.  What are sugar plums anyway?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Each year, we include a pair of pajamas which can be Christmasy for them to wear for photo ops Christmas morning or some comfy winter pajamas.  Also included is hot cocoa and popcorn to enjoy along with a new movie or book.  Finally, I add one small toy for them to unwrap on Christmas Eve.  The boys look forward to this more than I knew.  While shopping at Tarjay last week, I found snowflake shaped marshmallows and got all giddy inside as I was putting them into my shopping cart.  My oldest son, asked if it was for our Christmas Eve boxes.  This stopped me in my tracks.  It shocked me that he remembered and knew what I was up to.  Makes it all worth it.
List of Possible Content Ideas:
  • Christmas or Winter Themed Pajamas
  • Christmas Movie
  • Festive Book
  • Hot Cocoa
  • Marshmallows
  • Chocolate
  • Popcorn
  • Christmas Mug
  • Christmas Themed Candy or Food
  • Candy Canes
  • Slippers
  • Fun Socks
  • Robe
  • Small Toy
  • Playing Cards
  • Reindeer Food
  • Cookie Decorating Kit
  • Christmas Stuffed Animal
  • Ornament
  • Favorite Snack
  • Christmas Craft
  • Coloring Book with Crayons
  • Christmas Scented Bubble Bath or Bath Bombs
  • Cozy Blanket
  • Jigsaw Puzzle
  • Snow Globe
  • Personalized Letter From Santa
Here are some pictures of all that we included in their boxes this year.  I added robes to wear to a Polar Express train ride on Christmas Eve.  And of course, we had to add the classics of Christmas Vacation and Home Alone 2 to our movie collection.  Honestly, I needed a break from the original Home Alone that we have already watched over 5 times since Thanksgiving.
What do you include in your Christmas Eve box?  I could always use some fresh ideas.

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