St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast

St. Patricks Day

Top O’ the mornin’ to ya!  We celebrated with enough green to get anyone feeling the Irish vibes.  This year was the first year that we did more than just wear green and it was a blast.  Everything from making and setting out a leprechaun trap to a magical breakfast complete with green pancakes topped with lucky charms.

All the ideas were super easy to make and 99% of my decorations were purchased online.  Check out the details.

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St. Patrick’s Day School Lunch

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner and it is time to celebrate with all things green.  Send your little lucky kiddo to school with a green inspired lunch that is sure to please.  Check out some of the fun ideas and items found at your local store.
Over the years, we have packed several fun themed lunches from Disney to  Halloween.  So when my friend called and asked me if I wanted Shamrock ravioli, of course I said yes!  She had found them at our local Costco.  Right then and there, I knew what I wanted to do with my newly acquired treasure and decided to create a fun themed lunch for my boys.

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The Ultimate Go Kart Racing Birthday Party

Party in the fast lane and host the ultimate racing birthday party.  If your kid loves racing and go karts as much as ours, then this will be the winning combination. We celebrated our birthday boy at K1 Speed.  Everything from the initial phone call to set up the event to the actual day of the party went off without a hitch.
Find out all the details about throwing a go kart racing party and hosting it at K1 Speed below.

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Superhero Valentine’s Day Family Breakfast

One thing that you will notice on this blog, is all the magic that we add to every holiday.  Before we had kids, Valentine’s Day was insignificant and well just plain boring.  I knew we needed to jazz it up a bit.  So we began adding traditions like Valentine’s mailboxes and Love Buckets.  Next, we incorporated a fun themed dinner.  It started out as a simple heart theme but I could never settle with just that.  Probably because I felt that I had to add a little something extra to get my boys excited about it too.  The tradition of a themed Valentine’s dinner began.
All the hearts, roses, pinks,and reds should be enough of a theme for Valentine’s Day.  However, one year we added mustaches to the hearts for ‘I mustache you to be my Valentine’ and last year was Star Wars themed.  The boys really loved it.  Check out all the details of this year’s superhero Valentine’s breakfast below.

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PAW Patrol Adventure Play Exhibit


Raise your paw if your family loves PAW Patrol.  PAW Patrol plays on a continuous loop on our TV most of the time.  It has been a staple TV show throughout the toddler years in our house and they still watch it to this date.  So when we heard that the PAW Patrol exhibit was opening at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, we knew we had to go and check it out.
All our pups were ready for action in their best PAW Patrol gear.  The boys’ adorable vest were made by Lois Singer from Made By Ya shop on Etsy.  My husband and I had to get in on the fun as Skye and Zuma.  I know what your are thinking, but my hubby actually asked for his own vest and character and I happily obliged.  Isn’t he the best?!

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Valentine’s Day Dinner With Family – Star Wars Theme

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Are you ready?  My husband and I typically go out the week before the big day because the restaurants are so crowded around that day.  Several years ago, we started a tradition of having a Valentine themed dinner for the kids.  The boys absolutely love it and look forward to it every year.
Planning to start a fun festive Valentine’s dinner with your kids.  Keep scrolling for some good ideas including food and decorations.

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Love Buckets for Valentine’s Day


There are baskets for Easter, stockings for Christmas, trick or treat bags for Halloween and Valentine’s just seemed like it was missing something.  What about Valentine’s Day??  So I scrolled the internet to find something, anything to fill that void.  I stopped scroll on love buckets.  The ones that I saw were just plain but a light bulb went off in my head.  Surprising I know.  I took the idea and ran with it.

If you are feeling the post Christmas blues and the next holiday is just not measuring up, then start a new tradition of Love Buckets for Valentine’s Day.

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9 Creative School Valentine Ideas For Boys and Girls

Remember the days when you were young and looked forward to the class valentine exchange.  You carefully crafted a mailbox or a pocket out of construction paper decorated with tons of glitter and doilies.  Then waited with anticipation as each Valentine was delivered to your desk.  I would be so giddy as I read each one and of course ate the candy.  My heart would even skip a beat when my childhood crush would give me a valentine.  Oh to be young again.  Since this tradition holds a place near and dear to my heart, I have made it a mission to spread more love through my boys’ Valentines.
Before you make your mind up and pick out the next store bought Valentines of L.O.L. Dolls or Avengers, check out these creative ideas sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

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DIY Valentine’s Day Mailboxes

We are holiday junkies in our house.  Once the seasonal decor from one holiday comes down, the next goes up.  After my Christmas decorations were put away, I was ready to fill that void by setting out Valentine’s decorations.  Creating memories around each holiday is important in our house.  We do several traditions centered around Valentine’s Day including these cute DIY mailboxes.
If you don’t have a Valentine’s Day tradition or would like to add one more then stick around for all the details below on starting your own mailboxes.

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Blacklight New Year’s Eve Countdown Party


Turn off the lights and throw an out of this world blacklight party for your family on New Year’s Eve.  Who can deny the feeling that you get when you see the cool glow that comes with blacklight.  If you saw my last post on countdown bags for New Year’s Eve then you know where I am going with this party idea but I put a whole new twist on it in the dark.

Not only do younger kids like this idea but tweens and teens love it too.  Below are a few tricks on party decorations and other ideas that I will share.

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