The Ultimate Guide to a Spooktacular Nightmare Before Christmas Party

This is Halloween.  Having a child with a birthday around Halloween only means one thing, that eventually they will have a Halloween themed birthday party.  Since our love for Disney runs deep, then what would be better than incorporating the theme from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas.  If you haven’t seen the movie yet than you are missing out.  Yes it is over 25 years old, but did you know that it was a stop motion picture (kind of like puppets) and it took one whole week to make one minute of film?  Sorry for my nerdiness coming through.  They started filming the movie before the ending was written and it took them 3 years to finish it.  Crazy I know.  So now when you watch it you will surely appreciate it just a little more.

So how do you plan a Nightmare Before Christmas party?  The answer is pretty simple really and you could do it yourself too.

Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to a Spooktacular Nightmare Before Christmas Party”

10 Family Photo Styling Tips

It is family photo season and the photography sessions pop up this time of year like crazy.  Fall is the perfect time to get family photos done.  However, I know for some this can be stressful.  I can totally relate.  The pressure from getting the coordinating outfits just right to capturing that perfect photo for your next holiday card can all seem daunting.  If I am not stressed getting them all ready and to the location on time then I am stressed during the photo shoot hoping that they cooperate.  Then I say a little prayer that we got a couple good ones.  I am convinced that the photographers, I have used, work miracles.

So, where do you even start?  Deciding what to wear can be half the battle.  Here are a few tips to help make picking out your family’s wardrobe for your next session a little more manageable. Continue reading “10 Family Photo Styling Tips”

Neighborhood You’ve Been BOOed Fun


Have you’ve been “BOOed”?  Likely you are here because you just got “BOOed” and now you are wondering what this is all about or you want to start the tradition this year within your neighborhood.  Either way you are in the right spot.  Your kiddos will love helping by sneaking around the neighborhood to spread fun to others.  Although I must admit, my kids try to be sneaky but quiet is not in their vocabulary.

Continue reading “Neighborhood You’ve Been BOOed Fun”

Wizard Of Oz Outdoor Movie Ideas

Follow the yellow brick road to our backyard for an outdoor movie night.  Who remembers watching this movie as a kid?  I know I do.  My favorite character was the good witch, Glinda and to be honest the evil laugh of the Wicked Witch of the West still sends shivers down my spine.  As an teenager in high school, my friends and I dressed up for Halloween as the cast from the movie.  And you know what, I was the Wicked Witch and tried desperately to master that laugh to no avail.  Since this is a classic movie that all kids should see in their lifetime, then I figured it would be the perfect fit for our outdoor fall movie night. Continue reading “Wizard Of Oz Outdoor Movie Ideas”

Take Your Next Birthday Party From Ordinary to Extraordinary- A Snake Themed Birthday Party


It is undoubtedly your child’s favorite day of the year.  The day they have talked about for months.  When it comes to planning their birthday party, your goal is to make it fun and memorable.  Right?  So why settle for ordinary when you can have an extraordinary birthday party.  If you are reading this than you are likely here to learn a few tips and tricks to make the most out of your next party.  Or you may simply love snakes!  So fair warning, if snakes make your skin crawl just skip over the pictures.

Continue reading “Take Your Next Birthday Party From Ordinary to Extraordinary- A Snake Themed Birthday Party”