How To Host An Outdoor Movie Night In Your Backyard – Incrediables Theme


What could be better than a cool summer night under the light of the moon and stars alongside a crackling campfire?  How about adding an outdoor movie?  So call all your family, friends, and neighbors for a fun evening sure to please.  Of course, setting up for a outdoor movie night takes a little prep work but it is easier than you might think thanks to modern technology.  You could even theme the whole night around your selected movie.  I mean who doesn’t love a themed party??  Your backyard movie night could be epic and one that everyone will talk about long after the closing credits. Continue reading “How To Host An Outdoor Movie Night In Your Backyard – Incrediables Theme”

A Blue Ombre Bubble Guppies Birthday Party


If you have been around me long enough or followed me on social media, then you would know that I like throwing birthday parties for my kids.  Let me rephrase that, I get super pumped and a flurry of excitement by throwing parties!  It is definitely a passion of mine.  The boys look forward to it and celebrating their birthdays is a tradition that I cherish.  The memories that we make will last a lifetime and maybe they will continue this tradition with their kids as well.

I knew from the moment that one of his first words were Bubble, that we were in for another Bubble Guppies Party.  With 3 boys, I should have known that the moment would come when we would have to repeat a theme.  I mean come on…after 15 birthday parties…the pickings are getting slim.  So the thought of repeating the Bubble Guppies theme lost its luster a little bit for me.  Then the idea popped into my head to focus on the colors and less on the theme. Continue reading “A Blue Ombre Bubble Guppies Birthday Party”