12 Back to School Traditions That Your Kids Will Love

Well, it is that time of year again when if you bring up the ‘A’ word to any teacher then you will be shunned.  August means back to school time and while most teachers avoid that thought like the plague, the moms are over here counting down the days.  Personally, I long for the routine that comes with the back to school time and sad at the same time that another summer has passed by.  The last few days of summer are usually crammed full of our last minute summer bucket list items.  You know we only get 18 summers with our kids…cue the crying! Continue reading “12 Back to School Traditions That Your Kids Will Love”

Tips On Summer Camp Packing and DIY Personalize Trunk To Have A Happy Camper


Your making that list and checking it twice.  Well, the time has come and you filled out all the necessary camper forms and now it is time to pack.  But where do you begin?  Maybe this is your first time packing your kid for a summer camp or maybe you didn’t feel like you had it all together last time.  It can seem REALLY overwhelming.  No fear!  Here are some tips to help make great memories. Continue reading “Tips On Summer Camp Packing and DIY Personalize Trunk To Have A Happy Camper”


Kids love traditions and family rituals, and sometimes the parents might just love it a little more.  These traditions foster a sense of belonging, security, comfort, and just something to hold on to.

Traditions do not always have to evolve around holidays, birthdays, or vacations.  You are missing out on a whole lot of memories if you are just waiting for the next holiday.  You can create small everyday traditions to incorporate with your family that you implement daily or weekly.

Life is busy, life is messy and thus we don’t take the time to do the rituals that we have always done.  Over time those traditions can fade away.  How do you avoid that from happening?  How do you keep your family closely bonded?  By being intentional! Continue reading “WEEKLY FAMILY TRADITIONS”